Sailors maintain a deep and almost symbiotic connection with the ocean, which influences not only their way of life but also their identity and culture. While the most tangible reason for this bond lies in their profession as offshore racers, other aspects also tie them to this vast blue expanse.

The total immersion experienced during solo races like the Vendée Globe creates a unique connection where sailors are forced to navigate and make decisions in harmony with the natural elements. The reliance developed through isolation leads them to cultivate a profound understanding and sensitivity towards this unique ecosystem. Moreover, the personal growth achieved during these races pushes them to confront their own limits in the face of nature's power. The ocean becomes their playground, their adversary, and their most faithful ally all at once.

Offshore racing is far more than a competition where performance alone matters. The deep attachment to the environment that sailors experience through competition takes them beyond the race itself: they feel a strong need to protect and understand this ecosystem.