IMOCA and The Magenta Project partnership begins
50% of IMOCA team managers are female
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IMOCA safeguarding policy in place with the FFV and World Sailing
Female Leadership Development programme begins in collaboration with The Magenta Project
Six women are at the start of the Vendée Globe 2024
Aimed at increasing diversity and equal opportunity
The relationship between IMOCA and The Magenta Project, a collaboration aimed at increasing diversity and inclusion in the sailing industry, started in 2022. In keeping with the values of a sport based on sharing and openness, we are working together to achieve greater inclusion in our sport. This partnership has led to several initiatives and programs designed to provide women with valuable industry experience and networking opportunities, fostering their careers in the professional offshore racing industry.
Female Leadership Development Programme
The IMOCA x Magenta Female Leadership Development Programme (FLDP) is a next-level partnership between IMOCA and The Magenta Project. The project was initiated out of a shared commitment to address the under-representation of women in offshore racing, particularly in leadership roles. Despite women’s growing presence in various roles across the sport, opportunities for leadership and advancement remains limited, especially in technical and sailing positions.
This disparity highlighted the need for a dedicated programme to empower and equip women with the necessary skills and experiences to thrive in leadership positions in this elite ocean racing class.
The primary goal is to create a pathway for women to advance in the offshore racing industry by offering them the opportunity to participate in a four-week intensive apprenticeship programme within an IMOCA team. This work-training covers essential skills within specific leadership career-track pathways in top roles in the sport: Skipper, Boat Captain/Technical Director or Team Manager.
By pairing participants with experienced mentors in their respective career track/role, the programme aims to build confidence and competence, fostering a new generation of female leaders in the sport.
Seven young women(‘Magentees’) were welcomed by teams to experience a race pre-start period on missions ranging from deliveringthe boat to the village, to logistical assistance or welcoming and managingboat visits for partners.
A networkingevent combined with an inspiring conference dedicated to all the women present in the race village was organised, bringing together some 60 women (and men!) with a wide range
of profiles: skippers, members of the Magenta community, team managers, communications managers and technicians.
The ‘Magentees’ received technical tours of IMOCA boats, such as Biotherm, and participated in two workshops at North Sails and Harken.
Participants engaged with sustainability team leads, aligning their career interests with broader environmental goals.
Panel discussion featured industry leaders on inclusion policies and safeguarding procedures, emphasising the importance of creating safe and inclusive spaces in our sport.
Four women were paired with IMOCA teams to gain hands-on race preparation experience. Each woman had unique opportunities tailored to her interests and career goals.
Participants had the chance to meet industry experts and sailors. Team Biotherm, Pip Hare Ocean Racing and Team Malizia offered private tours of their IMOCAs.
11th Hour Racing Team hosted a private seminar with ‘Magentees’ to discuss the team’s sustainability strategy and review the Sustainability Toolbox resources.
"The Female Leadership Development Program is anvunparalleled opportunity to build genuine relationships and experience in professional ocean racing. My team was welcoming from the start. I have sailed on deliveries and crewed events, assisted in guest hospitality, worked with new sustainable composites, and helped Irina Gracheva with her management tasks in the lead up to races. The Vendée Globe race start is my fourth event with this team, so it will be special to see all the hard work pay off as we send Szabi around the globe!"
Lindsay Gimple
Mentee within Team New Europe